Juan Dela Cruz

Juan Dela Cruz

Front End Web Designer

Responsible for layout and implementation

Juan Dela Cruz

Front End Web Designer

Xander Dog

Xander Dog

General Cancer

Responsible for Cancering online streaming !!

Xander Dog

General Cancer

Pablo Escobar

Pablo Escobar

General Manager

Responsible for Execution of codes and flow of website

Pablo Escobar

General Manager

Jose Marie Dela Cruz

Jose Marie Dela Cruz

Website Debugger

Responsible for debugging website errors

Jose Marie Dela Cruz

Website Debugger

We’ve all been a part of that group project. You know, the project where one person takes the lead, leading some members to conclude their ideas are unwelcome, while a select few ride the others’ coattails.

Thanks to experiences like this, it’s no surprise why so many people have been scarred by the nightmares of past group projects.

And yet, something incredible happens when teamwork happens the way it’s supposed to happen. Things change when everyone on the team is equally invested in the overall purpose and goal. You find yourself working faster, finding mistakes more easily, and innovating better.